Bursaries: Appeal



Elizabeth College is committed to widening access by offering fee assistance (bursary places) and is delighted that the Foundation Bursary Scheme is now fully up and running and the first bursary students started at the College in September 2021.  All the bursary holders are settled well into life at Elizabeth College and are firmly embracing the many opportunities available to them here. It is important to note that the benefit of such a scheme is not only to the bursary recipients; experience at independent schools in the UK is that bursary-assisted students are highly dedicated and make a disproportionately valuable contribution to the overall experience of their peers and school community.

The scheme’s means-tested awards are specific to each applicant’s financial position and can be up to 100%, including covering the costs of uniform and some school trips. Bursary students must meet the requirements of the College’s entrance assessment and also undergo an additional selection process to assess character and commitment. This ensures that all bursary holders will be able to fully benefit from the College’s broad curriculum, outstanding enrichment activities, supportive community and inspirational environment.

The equivalent of five 100% bursary places will be available each year for Year 7 entry and three for entry to Year 12. Full details of the scheme, eligibility and how to apply are available on the 'Admissions' tab here.

Thanks to the generosity of our community, we are now supporting a total of twenty-four students across four year groups.
Jenny Palmer


The Foundation Bursary Fund which finances the scheme has been established thanks to the generosity of donors to the ‘Chance of a Lifetime’ Appeal, as well as benefiting from legacies received through the work of the Dead Donkey Club. It is the Foundation’s aim that in time the income from investments will be sufficient to cover the cost of bursary fees. Further fundraising will be required to ensure the long-term sustainability of the scheme.

Following the States reduction of College funding, September 2018 saw the last intake of Special Place Holders. Historically and importantly, this particular funding has enabled the College to maintain its inclusivity. Students from modest backgrounds have been able to access an Elizabeth College education and benefit from their own Chance of a Lifetime and it is important for the College to maintain this egalitarian approach.