
Learning Enrichment

The Learning Enrichment Department supports students to access the curriculum, achieve academically, enjoy the fullness of College life and ultimately take the next steps in their lives with confidence. Our goal is that students develop into young adults with ability and confidence to take responsibility for their own learning, to help enable them to succeed later at university and in the workplace, but also in order to enjoy contributing positively and actively in their communities. Elizabeth College aims to provide all students with appropriate ‘stretch and challenge’ in the classroom, the workshop or studio and on the playing field through carefully planned lessons, excellent resources, a focus on the development of independent learning skills and carefully considered feedback from teacher to student.


Elizabeth College offers excellent opportunities for more able and talented students to develop beyond the curriculum. This might be through involvement in local and national competitions, for example the UK Mathematics Trust challenges, national science challenges, writing and poetry competitions in many disciplines, art shows, the annual Eisteddfod, Channel Island and UK sports tournaments and more. The wide range of clubs and societies also provide rich ground in which pupils and students can cultivate their interests and curiosities for example through creating comic strips, model making, playing chess, debating, exploring science and mathematics, delving into history or philosophy or developing high level performance skills in the arts. Talented sportsmen and women can hone their skills on the pitch, the court, in the pool, in or on the sea and elsewhere through extra high-level and specialised coaching and then test themselves in competition.

The breadth of the curriculum and the unparalleled extra-curricular opportunities on offer allow each student to find his or her niche and to develop new abilities and talents not previously discovered or known. No child is limited or defined by what he or she has experienced or achieved before arriving at College (at any age) as abilities and talents emerge on the way.


Early identification of needs is important. College has a robust and structured approach to identification which is embedded at all key stages. Once identified and the needs have been assessed, some students may receive bespoke one on one or small group support as a short or medium term intervention to assist with literacy, numeracy, study skills or other aspects of learning.

The Learning Enrichment departments will also support the class teachers to assist those students in their learning. Some students may not require specialist lessons, but will still benefit from more targeted support in the classroom. The Learning Enrichment departments communicate and support the class and subject teachers in their work with those children.

When students approach public examination at GCSE and A Level, the Head of Learning Enrichment works with the Examinations Officer in the Upper School to ensure all relevant paperwork is in place to support special access arrangements and all applications are made to the relevant examination boards.

If a student requires further investigation into learning needs, the Learning Enrichment departments will help families to access and navigate the process. A close relationship with the families of students with particular learning needs is important, so the Learning Enrichment Team view their work as always in partnership and not in isolation.

The Learning Enrichment teachers continue to study and learn within their chosen areas of expertise to bring the highest quality of support. They also contribute actively to the professional development of class and subject teachers as they too strive to give the highest quality support.

Pupils in all parts of the school, including those with SEND and the most able, make excellent progress whatever their starting points.
ISI Inspection Report 2021