
School Life

Life at Elizabeth College is exciting and varied. At each of our three sites in St Peter Port, you will find happy, confident students engaged in their learning. We offer our students a truly enhanced educational experience, where they are encouraged to take up as many opportunities as they possibly can, gathering great experiences and creating lasting, happy memories of their time here. In addition to normal lessons, we offer a vast range of clubs, societies and co-curricular activities that add further enrichment and a vibrancy to our school community.

Students at Elizabeth College benefit from a broad education where they enjoy a wide range of opportunities to enhance their personal development. Assemblies, PSHE, the School Council, art, drama, music, sport, community work, charity initiatives and international projects all contribute to the personal growth of our students.

At the heart of the College is its Christian foundation; this is reflected clearly in our values and underpins the education of all our students. Weekly school assemblies at both the Upper and Junior School, led by the Chaplain, are at the centre of challenging the students about their beliefs, values and responsibilities. Students are encouraged to be reflective, appreciate cultural diversity and be responsible in both thought and action, so as to have a positive effect both within, and beyond, the school community.

Elizabeth College School
Elizabeth College School
Elizabeth College School
Elizabeth College School
Elizabeth College School


Elizabeth College is dedicated to reinforcing the strength of the Student Voice in the development of school life. At the heart of the Student Voice is a drive to ensure a sense of belonging within the school, a sense of place in the local community and a culture whereby the progress of the school can be fuelled by the talents and insight of its students.

We value student contributions and provide opportunities for both formal and informal Student Voice including the Prefect Team, School Council, Eco-Team, Tutor Groups and Houses.

The School Council allows students to have their voices heard, to explore issues and solutions and make a meaningful contributions to the development and direction of their school.

The School Council enables students to take an active part in school decision-making. Students from each year group, from Reception through to Year 13, elect their chosen representatives to the Council.

At the Upper School, Elizabeth College works hard to ensure that each of our students know that their voice is important, is valued and can be used to further enhance our school. Every student has the chance for their voice to be heard through ‘Tutor review’ weeks where students are asked to consider various school issues in their tutor groups. The findings are then fed back and discussed at each School Council meeting, and actions are decided where appropriate and applicable.

Showing leadership is an important part of how students develop during their time at Elizabeth College.  We believe in providing opportunities for our students to develop their leadership skills at every stage throughout their education with us.  This enables our students to become independent, confident and responsible young people who play and effective part in our school, and the wider, community.

The Prefect Teams at the Junior and Upper Schools are chosen set an example to the younger students in the School. Through their service we help them to see that leadership is about moving people to follow their example by acting with integrity.

Our House system adds an extra a sense of belonging and continues traditions that promote teamwork, leadership opportunities, competition, celebration and community. Inter-House sport and popular activities such as the House Shout enable students to mix with students from other year groups and develop friendships outside their class or tutor group. Our older students can become House Prefects and have a role in supporting and encouraging the younger students.

At the Junior School our four Houses – Halliday, Home, McCrea and Le Patourel are named after Old Elizabethans who served their country and were honoured with the Victoria Cross for distinguished military service. At the Upper School our four Houses – North, South, Town and Country were named after the four corners of Guernsey. In the past students were allocated a House based on where they lived on island, but they are now mixed to make sure our students can benefit from as many new friendships as possible when they join the Upper School.

The opinions of pupils are routed through active school councils which influence the direction of the school.
ISI Inspection Report 2021