
Junior School Welcome

Elizabeth College Junior School provides an excellent all-round education for children aged 4 to 11 years. Our pupils have access to the best educational opportunities within a secure and caring environment and are nurtured to develop their individual talents with appropriate stretch and challenge.

Appreciating that happy children do well at school helps us to focus on what is important, and that is the educational experience for all our Junior School pupils.

Although every pupil has different abilities, talents and levels of confidence, we ask each individual to aspire to the highest standards to which he or she is capable. Every child is a born learner, designed to absorb knowledge and skills at a fast rate. It is our role, as a school, to foster and encourage this innate curiosity and make sure that all of the children in our care reach their full potential. We are ambitious for every single one of them, encouraging a growth mindset in all pupils and ensuring that they are taught the skills and dispositions that will lead to a lifelong love of learning.

We have an open-door approach and very much encourage parents to be involved in their child’s learning. If you are a prospective parent, I would encourage you to come and see us in person and meet the children and the team at Elizabeth College Junior School.

Richard Fyfe, Headteacher

Pupils show independent learning as a result of skilled teaching.
ISI Inspection Report 2021
Elizabeth College School
Elizabeth College School
Elizabeth College School
Elizabeth College School
Elizabeth College School