OE Association
The Old Elizabethan Association (OEA) was established in July 1891 and currently has a membership of over 1600 former students and staff.
The Association runs an annual programme of events including well attended dinners in Guernsey and London. It has also recently launched a new website, NetWork OE, to provide members with an internet offering that is useful, informative and, perhaps most importantly, user-friendly.
Enabling members of the extended College community to connect with one another and participate in the life of the School has never been more important than it is today. NetWork OE makes it easier than ever for members to stay in touch with fellow OEs.
OEA Aims
- To further the interests of Elizabeth College;
- To promote mutual fellowship amongst Old Elizabethans and good feeling between past and present members of the College;
- To improve the amenities of the playing fields;
- To administer the Manchester Fund; and
- Any other such objects as the Association shall from time to time determine.
OEA Awards
The Old Elizabethan Association makes OEA Awards to deserving College students, generally as a contribution towards the cost of off-island courses and expeditions. This does not include College led trips and visits, support for these can be obtained through the Gibson Fleming Awards. In the past, awards have been made to support a variety of activities ranging from British Schools’ Exploring Society expeditions to music seminars. The OEA is willing to consider applications for expeditions, adventurous training and for courses in the world of sport, the arts and academia.
For further information and details of how to apply please visit the Awards and Scholarships page.